Business Licence Application
Application ID:  

The information requested on this application is necessary to fully evaluate your request for a Business Licence. Completion of this application does not guarantee approval of a Business Licence. Business may not commence before a licence is issued.
Licence fees are non-refundable.

Type of Application

(Select all that apply)
For 'Change of Location' Applications:
If changes to a business location are required for an existing business, a fee of $20.00 must be submitted at the time of application.” Please see our Business Licence Payment Guide for instructions on how to make payment.

Please provide the previous Mailing Address for reference:*

Please provide the previous Business Name for reference:*

Please provide the previous Owner(s) for reference:*

Please provide the previous Location for reference:*

Please fill out the remaining information below with your most up-to-date/current details.


(Select all that apply)

Is this for a Mobile Food Vendor?*

For the 'Home Occupation' Classification:

Will clients/customers be visiting your home?*

If clients will be visiting your home, submit a Floor Plan of the entire home, indicating where the dedicated area for the business is (including sq. ftg.) and a Parking Plan.
If clients will not be visiting your home, submit a Floor Plan of the entire home, indicating where the dedicated area for the business is (including sq. ftg.).
For the 'Shared Occupancy' Classification:
If you are sharing a portion of a building or unit with another business (or multiple businesses), a Shared Occupancy Agreement is required.

Shared Occupancy Bulletin.pdf [PDF -183 KB]
Shared Occupancy Agreement.pdf [PDF - 140 KB]

Upload your Shared Occupancy Agreement*

(PDF format, maximum file size of 1.0MB)
For the 'Standard' Classification:
Submit a Floor Plan of the entire business space (including sq. ftg.) and a Parking Plan.

Area of Coverage Required

Type and Location of Mobile Unit

Mobile Food Vending Unit Type:*

Mobile Food Vending Unit Location:*

  • Licenced mobile units are permitted to operate on private property that is zoned for restaurant use, with written permission from the property owner. Mobile units must be at least 30 metres away from existing restaurants.

Upload your Letter of Permission from the Property Owner*

(PDF format, maximum file size of 1.0MB)

Property Owner Authorization

Are you the owner of the subject property?*

Are there multiple owners?*

Upload Owner Authorization.*

A lease agreement OR letter from the property owner(s) authorizing the tenant(s) to operate their business from the property is required. It must be signed by both the property owner(s) and the tenant(s).
(PDF format, maximum file size of 1.0MB)

Property Owner

First Name:*

Last Name:*



Joint Property Owner

First Name:*

Last Name:*



Applicant Information

First Name:*

Last Name:*




Postal Code:*



Is there another individual applying with you?*

Joint Applicant Information

First Name:*

Last Name:*




Postal Code:*



Business Information

Business Name:*

Trade Name (Doing Business As):

Island Health Approval Required?*

Have you received your Health Operating Permit?*

Please contact Island Health.

Upload your Health Operating Permit.*

(PDF format, maximum file size of 1.0MB)

Have you received your Fire Department approval?*

Please contact the City of Courtenay Fire Department.

Upload your Fire Department Inspection Report.*

(PDF format, maximum file size of 1.0MB)

Business Address:*



Postal Code:*



Select the Primary Mailing Address for Business:*

Proposed Opening Date:*

Number of Employees, Including Owner(s):*

The City of Courtenay has working agreements with the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Association (BIA) to support businesses in our community. As part of this program, the City provides both organizations with information on new companies and operations requesting business licenses so they can reach out, connect and support them. The Chamber and/or BIA would only use the information to contact you directly. 
You will be able to review the information and remove any which you do not want to go to these organizations on the next page.

I hereby authorize the City of Courtenay to share my business information (above) with the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Association.*

We hereby authorize the City of Courtenay to share our business information (above) with the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Association.*

Parking Spaces Available:*

Parking Spaces Required:*

Area Dedicated to Business (sq. ftg.):*

Previous Use of Space:*

Please indicate the number of units in your building:*

Ex. For apartments, hotels, motels, hostels, mobile home parks, etc.

Are Improvements or Alterations Planned?*

Interior - Describe in full:*

Exterior - Describe in full:*

Building Permit Number:

A Building Permit may be required. Please follow up with staff for application information. 

Is Signage Proposed?*

Sign Permit Number:

A Sign Permit may be required. Please follow up with staff for application information. 

Description of Business

Please provide the description of the business (in full) to be conducted:*

File Upload

Upload your Floor Plan.*

(PDF format, maximum file size of 3MB)

Upload your Parking Plan.*

(PDF format, maximum file size of 3MB)

Mobile Food Vending File Upload

The following items are required alongside your application.
1. BC Safety Authority Approval:
2. Proof of Motor Vehicle Insurance (Food Trucks and Food Trailers)
3. Liability Insurance:
  • Provide a copy with the following minimum requirements:
    • Inclusive limit of $2,000,000 and Public Liability & Property Damage
    • Cross Liability Clause
    • City of Courtenay named as joint insured under the policy
    • Provide that the coverage under the policy cannot be cancelled or any provisions changed or deleted unless thirty days’ prior written notice is given to the City by the insurer
4. Discharge Management Plan:
  • Describe how you will dispose of any fats, oils, or greases created by the business.
5. Photographs:
  • Photos of all sides of the mobile food vending unit must be provided.
6. Site Plan:
  • Indicate the location of the proposed mobile unit. Licenced mobile units (food trucks/trailers/carts) are permitted to operate on private property that is zoned for restaurant use but must be at least 30 metres away from existing restaurants.
Before uploading them, please take a moment to ensure that each file name includes your Business Name and Application ID as described below. 
  • Ensure that your file name includes reference to your Application ID: .
    For example: Photo 1_Business Name_ID12345678
  • Only PDF format is accepted
Please upload them to our separate system and record the names of the files in the space provided below.

CLICK HERE to upload the required items with your mobile food vending business licence application. 

Please provide the file names that you uploaded in the link above. Failure to do so will result in a declined application.*

As a double confirmation, please indicate which files you uploaded:

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