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A Business Licence is required if you plan to carry out business within the City of Courtenay.
BYLAW NO. 2523 - SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 No person shall carry on a business within the City without first: A. Paying the fee for a business licence as described under Schedule A of this bylaw; and B. Obtaining a City business licence; or C. Being the holder of a valid Inter Municipal business licence.
Business Licences are valid for the calendar year, from January 1 to December 31. If your business operates in more than one jurisdiction and the business you conduct performs a service in more than one community by moving from client to client rather than having a client come to a fixed place of business you will require an Inter Municipal or Inter Community Licence.
COURTENAY ONLY BUSINESS LICENCE: This licence includes Courtenay only and the annual fee will range depending on business type.
INTER MUNICIPAL BUSINESS LICENCE: This licence includes and is subject to approval from both the Town of Comox and the City of Courtenay.
INTER COMMUNITY BUSINESS LICENCE: This licence includes the following participating municipalities.
Renewal notices are mailed out mid-January of each year to all businesses that possess a current City of Courtenay business licence. If a licence is not obtained by the renewal due date, a late payment fee calculated at 25%, for those licences paid on or after March 1, or 50%, for those licences paid on or after June 1, of the annual licence fee will be charged. If changes to the business licence are required (i.e. change of ownership, business name, mailing address, etc.), a completed business licence application form must be re-submitted. If the business is no longer operating, notification must be received immediately IN WRITING ( It is the licencee's responsibility to ensure their account is up-to-date and that all contact information on file is correct.
Floor Plans can be hand drawn but must include measurements (sq. ftg.) and must be legible. Click to Expand
Floor Plans and Parking Plans can be hand drawn but must include measurements (sq. ftg.) and must be legible. Click to Expand
The City of Courtenay is collecting personal information in accordance with Section 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The personal information collected in this form (name, contact information, etc.) will be used for the purpose of administering the Business Licence Application. Questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of this information can be directed to the City’s Privacy Officer at City Hall, 830 Cliffe Avenue Courtenay, BC V9N 2J7. Phone: 250-334-4441 Email: