Development Permit Application
The Local Government Act gives Council the authority to designate areas of, and uses within, the City as Development Permit Areas (DPA) and to establish guidelines to inform development proposals. In general, these guidelines aim to (where applicable) protect the environment and farming, protect from hazardous conditions, and guide the form and character of commercial, industrial, multi-residential, mixed-use, and intensive residential development. This can include aspects such as siting and massing, landscaping, screening, lighting and signage, parking, etc.

More than one DPA may apply and applicants must conform to all relevant DPA guidelines. Information on the DPAs including maps and guidelines available at: 

If the subject property(ies) undergoes a sale after the application has been submitted, the City requires a letter confirming who the new property owner(s) are, their intentions to continue with the application and a copy of the new land title search showing the new owner(s).

Within a Development Permit Area, a Permit is required for the following*
  • Subdivision;
  • Construction of, addition to, or alteration of a building or structure, land, or parking area;
  • Alteration of land in an environmentally sensitive area or land that is subject to hazardous conditions.
*Unless exempted under one of the conditions in the following section.

A Development Permit is not required for the following*
  • Institutional uses;
  • Normal Farm Practices;
  • Only painting the exterior of a building;
  • Only replacing windows;
  • Only reconstructing a roof*;
  • Only constructing a fence*;
  • Only minor alterations to an existing building that do not:*
    • Increase site coverage more than 25% of the approved coverage;
    • Alter more than 25% of the existing floor area (to a maximum of 200 m²);
    • Change the exterior of the building on any one side more than 25%.
* In or near environmentally sensitive areas, Environmental DPAs are often required even if a form & character permit is not required. Access the Environmental DPA exemptions and guidelines at:

Before submitting your Application it is important to note the following:

  1. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant;
  2. It is the applicant’s responsibility to be familiar and knowledgeable of all requirements, policies and applicable bylaws within the City of Courtenay, and to clearly represent how the application conforms to these requirements, policies, and bylaws before the application will be accepted;
  3. The coordinating professional must ensure that the submissions, including all plans are internally consistent. Plans that are not internally consistent will be returned to the coordinating professional with no further review;
  4. Applications that are inactive for a period of 6 months or more may be closed at the discretion of the City.
  5. The City may distribute and publicize a report containing development approval information pertaining to this application.


I am applying as an:*

Reason for the Development Permit: (Select all that apply)*

Existing DP File Number:*

Development Permit Application Type:*

Development Permit Required For

DPA-1: Form & Character: Commercial, Industrial, Mixed-use & Multi-residential with 3+ units (There are specific guidelines within this category for the Downtown, Old Orchard, & Terminal Addition neighbourhoods)
DPA-2: Form & Character: Intensive Residential for Duplexes, Detached Secondary Residences, Heritage Neighbourhoods, Bare Land Strata and Mobile Home Developments (There are specific guidelines within this category for the Old Orchard, Terminal Addition, and 40 Houses Heritage neighbourhoods)
DPA-3: Farm Protection
DPA-4: Environmental
DPA-5: Hazardous Conditions – Steep Slopes


K’ómoks First Nation (KFN) has enacted a Cultural Heritage Investigation Permit (CHIP), which is required for development works within a certain proximity of watercourses and all areas having a high archeological potential. Where applicable, staff and Council advise applicants to contact KFN directly to learn if a CHIP is required. The CHIP is administered by KFN. For more information contact the KFN administrative office at 250-339-4545 extension 112, or visit

Please indicate if you have contacted K’ómoks First Nation (KFN).*

Where applicable, staff and Council encourage applicants to work with the Comox Valley Conservation Partnership ( early in the design stages of a project to obtain valuable feedback on design options that could help mitigate, improve or adapt to environmental conditions of the development site.

Please indicate if you have contacted the Comox Valley Conservation Partnership.*

Applicant Information

Business Name:*

First Name:*

Last Name:*




Postal Code:*



Owner Information

Are there multiple owners?*

Upload Owner Authorization.*

A letter from the property owner(s) authorizing the agent to operate on their behalf required. It must be signed by the property owner(s). (PDF format, maximum file size of 1.0MB)


First Name:*

Last Name:*




Postal Code:*



Joint Owner

First Name:*

Last Name:*



Description of Property

Please indicate your land tenure type:

Civic Address:*

If no Civic Address, please include the Parcel Identifier (PID) located on the Certificate of Title.

Legal Description:*

Certificate of Title

Do you have the Certificate of Title (dated no more than 30 days prior to the date of the application)?*

The Certificate of Title will be pulled and an additional fee will be added to your application.

Upload your Certificate of Title.*

File size must be under 1.0MB. Only JPG and PDF formats are accepted. Please ensure it's dated no more than 30 days prior to the date of the application.

Project Description

Project Description:*

Site & Building Information

Current OCP Designation:*

Current zoning:*

Proposed gross floor area:

(Where applicable)

Lot coverage (Including building coverage):

(Where applicable)

Zoning & Bylaw Compliance Table

A Development Variance Permit will be required if the proposal does not meet zoning requirements.
Please confirm with planning staff what you requirements are.

Proposed Variances (If Required)

Minor Development Variance Permit means a variance to the Zoning Bylaw that meets one or more of the following criteria:
  • 25% for minimum parking space provision for vehicles, loading and bicycles;
  • 25% variance related to parking and loading design standards, such as dimensions, siting and access;
  • 25% variance related to dimensions and siting of garbage and recycling storage facilities;
  • 25% variance for building setbacks, lot frontage and useable open space, and permeable surfaces;
  • 25% variance related to dimensions of patios and decks;
  • 25% variance related to projections into a required setback; and/or
  • 25% variance for lot coverage and building height, provided that the variance does not allow for an increase in density.
If the proposal does not align with any of the above criteria, then it will be considered a Major Development Variance Permit.

Proposed Variances:

Click the '+' to add a proposed variance.

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